ATA Pune Meetup 28


The Agile Testing Alliance, in collaboration with TRUGlobal Inc, hosted 28th Pune meetup on August 10, 2024

We hosted our 28th Meetup collaboration with TruGlobal in Pune on 10 August 2024 (Saturday).We learned, met, networked. It was unlimited fun!

We would like to thank entire TruGlobal for being our wonderful hosts and for helping us pull this wonderful in person meetup.

Our Speakers 

Anant Joshi
Senior Director 
Sandeep Sudame

Capability Leader for Advisory and Technology Assurance


Shruti Shrivastava
Project Manager
IVL | InfoVision labs

Here is the recap of the meetup

The event began with a warm and energetic welcome session led by Nagesh Deshpande from ATA

Despite the typical Pune monsoon and the city’s infamous traffic, over 20 Agile Testing enthusiasts joined the meetup to explore “AI Use Cases in Testing” and deepen their understanding of AI.

The meetup kicked off with a keynote session by Anant Joshi, who, with two decades of experience, took us on a nostalgic journey back to the early 2000s when we held bug-hunting competitions among peers.

Our next speaker, Sandeep Sudame, discussed “Modern QA at Crossroads with AI.” He shared his insights and case studies on how his team optimized a large set of test cases using AI.

Session 3, “AI in Testing and Salesforce Automation,” was led by Shruti Shrivastava, who shared her compelling story about integrating Salesforce with AI.

We also introduced an open mic session this time, allowing participants to interact and share their thoughts openly.

TRUGlobal and their entire team were fantastic hosts, and we are truly grateful for this wonderful experience.

As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “The reward of a thing well done is having done it.” We’re delighted to share a few glimpses of this meetup.

Event photos are available in the album below. Click here to view the Facebook album.

Past Testimonial

Amod Deshpande.
Amod Deshpande.
It was a great Saturday with the Agile Testing Alliance at AlphaSense India. Thank you to Nagesh Deshpande and his team for organizing the meetup, and many thanks to Swapnil Pingle for all the internal support. Great presentations by Rajesh Iyer and Harshavardhan Thorat - adding Cricket into the mix for generations of QA was eye-catching, personally for me.